Happy August!! 8 )( is a symbol of financial or material success but can also be a sign of balance and inner stability, positive changes in your personal life, and the power of infinite possibility. 8 )( also symbolizes victory, prosperity and overcoming. The )( symbol in Japan is a "lucky" number.
Today Im grateful for new beginnings, growth, expansion, success, abundance, financial security and all things good and great.
The best is definitely yet to come! I honeslty believe I am walking in the blessings of my prayer request. This month as celebrate Black Businesses (every day!) I want to walk into the room like God sent me, Im not shy but I have shy'd away from opportunities because I am allowing fear, flesh and self to get in the way.
I will be a doer, I will be a leader, my territory will be enlarged! I am excited for what's to come!
This month check out our updated "Essentials" page! Please give your feedback, lets glow and grow together!